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Lead Generation with Search Ads Example

Lead Generation Case Study: Small Business gets 370% ROI with Searching Engine Marketing

Small and Medium-sized Businesses often face a daunting task, in controlling operating costs, and at the same time striving to clock in more sales revenue. While carefully planned, well executed marketing campaigns can certainly help to bolster a company’s top line, getting the best bang for one’s marketing buck is imperative….and a high-priority item for any business owner.

Organic Ranking on Google

6 likely reasons why your Website does not appear on Google Search

After having launched your business website with much fanfare, you would anticipate the website and your brand to be visible prominently on Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).  After all, having built your virtual storefront tastefully with intuitive navigation, concise layouts and appealing graphics, you’d certainly want it to be seen when your target audience…